a managed solution

Written by  on July 3, 2015 


MrBackup provides a managed backup solution.

What does this mean?

It means a controlled environment where MrBackup acts as the designated go-to service provider for making and storing those data items which the client considers valuable enough to retain.

Managed also means that MrBackup is in charge of the client’s backup process and the actual copies of archived data.

As mentioned elsewhere, the client identifies the relevant data to be backed up, and MrBackup takes care of the rest!

From the Check List:
Version Control: Daily, Weekly, Monthly

    Version Control made easy with multiple snapshot backups: at least eight (8) complete sets of data stored, allowing access to different versions of the same data. Each backup is a unique, complete set of the backed up data. Data upload verified to ensure the full backup is received and stored on the server. Make a backup every day!

MrBackup can automatically make daily backups without forgetting, never getting bored nor ever tiring of repetition!

This removes the strain of the responsibility for the backup process from the client. Instead of having to consider the intricacies of various backup options and platforms, the client relies on MrBackup to fill that role.

From the Check List

No need to remember intricate instructions, complex keyboard key presses or any kind of programming! With MrBackup its a simple as a click of the mouse!

Managed means that instead of having to worry about the accuracy or the completeness of your data backed up, MrBackup will take care of those issues.

If you are a small business, with limited data back up requirements and a limited budget, MrBackup is the solution you are looking for!

Category : backup