Do you have a Clean Disk Policy?

Written by  on July 8, 2016 

While Clean Desk Policies may result in neat offices and empty desks, a corporate Clean Disk Policy is not implemented for aesthetics, after all, who will see your disk?


There are several considerations influencing Clean Disk Policy content. Commonly cited will be distinction between business data and personal data, which may spill over into Personal Identification data which may be subject to different levels of protection.

It is important to bear in mind that a specific computer can be used by different users, for different purposes. Data often grows exponentially and may be exist in the form of email messages, business reports, spreadsheets, image files such as pictures and photos and personal data which may look very similar! The difference between “mybudget2016.xls” and “myofficebudget2016.xls” may be very subtle.

It is suggested that Clean Disk Policies clearly define who and for what purpose any given computer may be used. Prescribing and limiting use will reduce uncontrolled data growth and increase compliance and accountability. This may cover topics such as use of business email for personal use, or saving personal information on business equipment. Scope should extend and cover peripherals such as Network Attached Storage (“NAS”) devices and services run over the business infrastructure, such as using Facebook for non-business related activitiy.

Reducing Redundant Obsolete and Trivial content

Applying and enforcing a Clean Disk Policy will result in the identification of ROT (Redundant Obsolete and Trivial content). Removing ROT content will reduce data content on the media and should result in only non-ROT content, meaning business related relevant data remaining.


Removal of ROT will leave only required and business data on the given computer. This will result in a smaller data footprint, which will have the additional benefit of

  • readily identifying business critical data
  • reducing data volume for backup
  • reducing backup time

Instead of having to back up 100 items of data, of which only 2 are relevant, rather identify and delete the 98 ROT content items and back up 2 of 2 essential items.

MrBackup’s core data management follows management directives in determining the core data items to back up. By implementing a Clean Disk Policy, the potential items to consider when making a backup are reduced and the entire process accelerated.

Let MrBackup’s core data management work for you.

Category : backupcore data

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