Med-e-Mass backup

Written by  on April 12, 2015 

Need a Med-e-Mass backup?

MrBackup can quickly and easily backup Med-e-Mass to our Secure Remote Data Server.

Med-e-Mass uses a combination of .txt and .dbf files for data storage and typically has a data footprint of at least 750MB. This is equivalent to at least 1 CDROM. To make a Med-e-Mass backup takes at least 1 CDROM and depending on the burning speed, from 20 minutes to more than an hour! The advantage with a CDROM is that it can be only used once, requiring a new CDROM evey time a new backup is made. Perhaps resulting in an unintentional backup versioning system!

The alternative is of course the universally inconvenient External Hard Disk Drive. The single disadvantage of the External Hard Disk drive is the fact that it will typically only host one version of the data. The classic problem persists: if the live system is compromised, bad data will be backed up to the media, leaving no working backup to restore.

Bigger Med-e-Mass systems will of course have a bigger data footprint and require more CDROMs to make a complete backup.

Enter MrBackup! Even for a small system, the annual cost of a MrBackup managed backup solution is highly favorable compared to the inconvenience of CDROMS or External Hard Disk Drives. In addition, MrBackup allows for unlimited uploads, automatic versioning and multiple discreet snapshot copies of the data to be stored off-site.


MrBackup has a proven track record of full ‘\ME’ backups under operational conditions of ~750MB in ~30minutes! With 100% success in restoration from complete data loss due to hardware failure. This in addition to rigorous testing and fault-tolerance tests.

Does your backup compare?

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